Gift Card

Gift Card in different amounts to be used on our shop online or to purchase products in our shop at Fattoria del Teso or for a tour and wine tasting at our premises

Send an electronic Gift Card to yourself or someone special to buy our products or for a special tour and wine tasting at Fattoria del Teso!

You may opt to receive the Gift Card at your email address or send it at recipient’s address. You may select the amount of the Gift Card. No shipping costs. Recipient will receive an email with an electronic Gift Card with a code to be used on our shop online, in our shop at Fattoria del Teso or for a tour and wine tasting at Fattoria del Teso. The Gift Card can be used for a single purchase.

The Gift Card is valid 12 months from the date of purchase.

Buy your GIFT CARD now!

Enter your details or those to whom you want to send this gift

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